Thursday, February 16, 2012

Hey, Hey, They're Not Monkeys

(Today's word will be in ALL CAPS, BOLD, ITALIC, and STRIKETHROUGH.)

KUPL's "Simon 90" for Valentine's Day started as usual, with information and suggestions for gifts for the special day. It started with Jake, then Jolynn, and about a minute and a half into the video, it was Scott's turn; that's what really got my attention.

When talking about Valentine gifts, Scott suggested a sock monkey, because, "who doesn't like sock monkeys"? Well, me for one!
Honestly, I think they're just plain creepy! I don't know why, but I've always felt that way.

It got me thinking about other primates I think are creepy. I realized that real, live monkeys, chimps, gorillas, etc., I'm okay with. It's the fake ones that get to me.

Besides sock monkeys, I also have a keen aversion to those toy monkeys that play cymbals. Honestly, who could think that's a great gift for anyone, especially a child?! Eeeewwww!!!

Then there's "The Wizard of Oz", with the flying monkeys. I don't care how old I am, I still can't watch when all those monkeys are flying through the air; too scary!

I've come to the conclusion, the only non-real monkeys I like are these:
Davy, Micky, Mike and Peter, the MONKEES! I grew up watching the show and buying all the albums, and to this day I still love them!

I'm pretty sure if all the monkeys I've mentioned were more like the Monkees, this post would have never been written!


  1. Omigosh, I thought I was the only one that felt this way. I hate all of the above too. Sock monkeys were always creepy and the crazy cymbal playing monkey was just disturbing. I had to go hide when those ugly flying monkeys showed up in Oz when I was a kid. I'm still a little iffy about the Monkees.

  2. Nope, you're not alone in feeling this way! :)

    I know writer, Stephen King, hates the cymbal monkeys too. He said they always creeped him out; that's why there's one on the cover of his book, "Skeleton Crew".

    I've never been iffy about the Monkees; Davy Jones was the first celebrity I ever had a crush on. :)
